Better digital services for Oulun Energia's customers
Oulun Energia Group produces and distributes electricity and district heating to the residents of Oulu and its surrounding areas. It is important for customers to be able to monitor their energy consumption and the associated costs. Customers' expectations for the energy company's digital services have grown. Electricity spot price agreements and the use of solar panels for electricity production have sparked greater interest in monitoring energy consumption, production, and prices. Customers also expect real-time communication if there are interruptions in energy delivery.
Oulun Energia and Oulun Energia Sähköverkko's digital customer service and outage notification system were in need of modernization. The old service was outdated both in terms of user experience and technology, making the need for an update clear.
As a result of the development, Oulun Energia improved its ability to inform customers, internal stakeholders, and authorities about energy distribution disruptions. In addition, the OE Digipalvelu was created, a customer portal where users can track their contracts, energy consumption, and associated costs. Special attention was given to how both consumer and business customers can authorize other users to view their data in the digital service. The new systems were extensively integrated into Oulun Energia's core information systems. The updated systems were implemented using Azure cloud services and Salesforce technology. As a result of the development, Oulun Energia now has a modern, reliable, and user-friendly system.
Bradleys Digital assisted Oulun Energia in updating the digital customer service portal and the outage notification system. The project manager at Bradleys Digital was responsible for the phase planning of the development and describing the requirements for the systems being updated. The system was implemented in a multi-vendor environment. During the development, the Bradleys project manager took on the role of Product Owner, guiding the work of implementation partners.
ICT and Digitalization Director Mira Juola comments: Bradleys Digital was an invaluable partner in the successful completion of this challenging project. The way Bradleys works reflects a strong interest in developing our business and deep expertise in managing complex IT system projects. Cooperation with Bradleys was smooth and easy.